We often forget where the developments began or lose sight of the fact that Hip Hop culture is an instrument for social change.

The elements of Hip Hop culture within Foundation serve as a means to share knowledge, inspire our youth, and create a safe space. We believe that wisdom, the manifestation of knowledge, provides direction and that culture can be the instrument to teach today’s youth how to navigate and find their way in these challenging times.

Foundation will focus on developing physical and digital learning resources to ensure that students always have access to quality arts education. The educational programs of Foundation are based on multi-ethnic art and culture, always with an international orientation.

With the opening of Foundation, we aim to become Europe’s most interactive, inspiring Hip Hop school. It will be the place you want to be, where as a young person, as a future artist you can be part of an inspiring community. Above all, we want to be a place where everyone feels at home.

We aim to create a culture rooted in passion, where our students are as wise, rich, diverse, and evolving as today’s world. In our digital platform and educational programs, we invite you to discover, explore, and experience art.

The curriculum includes Hip Hop, House, Popping, Dancehall, traditional African dance, UK Jazz Fusion, Breaking, and Locking – but also theater, entrepreneurship, art, and media are covered.

For self-elevation you need Foundation
Stichting Jongeren Cultuur Promotie Nederland
KvK-nummer: 24353884
Bank: NL49RABO0363379894
Bezoekadres: Bijlmerplein 141
Postadres: Kanaalstraat 82 A
1054XL Amsterdam
WhatsApp: +31 20 369 79 61
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