
Jasmin deekman

I’m Jasmin Elisabeth Deekman, 26 years old. I’m a dancer, teacher, and choreographer from Rotterdam. In 2016, I auditioned for the Dance Teacher program at the Amsterdam University of the Arts, which I completed in 2020. In this program, I gained a broad perspective on dance from a traditional West African/rhythmic dynamic approach and the various roles one can fulfill in the dance world. As a co-founder of the SERIÓÓS collective, I choreograph and produce performances rooted in Hip-Hop and House.

When I think about where it all started for me, I always think first of my father’s music and his love for hip-hop, or my mother’s theater/singing rehearsals that I often attended. My mother enrolled me in theater classes to help me become less shy. It was through those classes that I fell in love with dance.

For me, dance is about connection. It has helped me immensely to get closer to myself and others. This journey is, of course, never-ending. In addition to teaching House at Foundation, I am still far from done learning myself. I am falling more and more in love with the style and the culture, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me. I hope to dive even deeper and continue to develop, so that I can then give back even more.

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